
Where can I watch Story Tools videos?

With a Story Tools subscription you can watch videos here on our website, or in our iOS app.

Which browsers are supported?

The Story Tools website will work best when using the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.

Why am I seeing a message that says "You have too many devices watching content right now"?

Each Story Tools user can watch videos on one device at a time. If you need to play videos on more than one device at a time, contact our friendly sales team for information about upgrading your subscription to include more users.

What should I do if loading times are slow or I experience video playback issues?

If you're experiencing problems watching Story Tools videos, here are some things you can consider:

  • Have you been able to play videos prior to today? If so, what might have changed between then and now?

  • Does the video work if you load the site on a different device or browser? For example, if it doesn't work on an iPad, does it work on a computer?

  • Is your internet connection working? Pause any large downloads or media streaming and check whether you can load other websites, or watch videos from other sources such as YouTube.

  • Make sure you're using the latest version of a recommended internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge). If you don't have access to update your computer software your IT staff should be able to help you with this.

  • Restart your computer/device.

  • Clear your browser's cache.

How do I stop Story Tools emails from going to my spam folder?

If you find our emails are ending up in your spam folder you can try one of the following suggestions:

  • If your email provider or client gives you the option to mark emails as 'Not Spam', do this if you find an email from Story Tools in your spam folder.

  • Add the From: address from one of our emails to your contacts list or address book.

  • Create a filter to make sure emails from the domain are always delivered to your inbox.

  • Add to your Safe Senders list.

What if my question isn't answered here?

For any other questions about technical difficulties when using the website or any subscription enquiries please click the relevant button below to contact our team.